Jan 20, 2014Explorer
Avion Black & Grey Tank
I am going to mount this Avion on my Freightliner, But look where my black tank drain is. I am missing the bottom cap on the rear of my camper. That is about the only thing that was wrong with this camper when I bought it just like you see it so no room to complain there.

The tanks on these campers are small anyway, and I am wanting the camper to sit flat on the bed as low as possible. However the cleanout is in the way as you can see. Other than that the entire bottom of the camper is flat. Now on this truck there are huge cages welded underneath on both sides in addition to the lock boxes. These cages are about 2 feet deep by 3 feet from front to back, and about 8 feet long, and have a heavy duty corrugated grate bottom. I can get in them and lay down they are so big and long.

So what Im thinking about is doing away with my tanks completely and adding one 40 0r 50 gallon black tank in one of these boxes, and just burn a hole in the bed of the truck large enough for my hose to pass through and go directly to the tank and tie in the waste water also. Have any off you ever tried this or seen it done? And do you think its a good Idea?
Here is a picture from the front :h
I had just went and picked it up sight unseen and so I always carry straps just in case.

Do these look like Led's ? I haven't been up there yet. They do look new.

Anyway, what do you guys and Gals think I should do on the tanks, shouldn't this Idea work?

The tanks on these campers are small anyway, and I am wanting the camper to sit flat on the bed as low as possible. However the cleanout is in the way as you can see. Other than that the entire bottom of the camper is flat. Now on this truck there are huge cages welded underneath on both sides in addition to the lock boxes. These cages are about 2 feet deep by 3 feet from front to back, and about 8 feet long, and have a heavy duty corrugated grate bottom. I can get in them and lay down they are so big and long.

So what Im thinking about is doing away with my tanks completely and adding one 40 0r 50 gallon black tank in one of these boxes, and just burn a hole in the bed of the truck large enough for my hose to pass through and go directly to the tank and tie in the waste water also. Have any off you ever tried this or seen it done? And do you think its a good Idea?
Here is a picture from the front :h
I had just went and picked it up sight unseen and so I always carry straps just in case.

Do these look like Led's ? I haven't been up there yet. They do look new.

Anyway, what do you guys and Gals think I should do on the tanks, shouldn't this Idea work?