Have the Lacrosse, don't know anything about the Open Range though. We've had no problems with our trailer, have had it since May 2013 and have made several trips out and about as well as lived in it exclusively for a year. I guess the only bad things I can say about it are 1. the bathroom is a little smallish. 2. the mattress that came with it really is bad and got replaced after a few months when all of the fill 'pooled' in the center from my wife's and my side of the bed. 3. we have the 4 door refrigerator and in the Texas heat without any shade on that side of the trailer you can see the temp gauge go up during the heat of the day. The longest trip so far was about 1600 miles round trip without any problem and is the first time I have noticed no wear on the tires after a long trip. The dual air conditioners and 50 amp service keeps up with the heat nicely.