Forum Discussion

curly5759's avatar
May 10, 2014

Orbit 180 FQ New owner questions

Hi, Just dragged home a new (to us) 2008 Fleetwood Orbit 180 FQ. Looking over the owners manual, I find a mention of a 12 volt shut off switch that is controlled by a red key. You are supposed to shut off the 12 volt power while towing. I looked high and low, cannot find one. It is not mentioned as an option in the manual. Anyone know where it is, if it exists?:h

Also, the trailer smelled a bit of the black water tank when we got home. The electronic indicator shows the tank is 1/2 full. Never having owned a trailer with a black water tank, I don't know if this is normal or not. (Towed it just over 100 miles to get home.)

Thanks for your input.

  • Hello Curly,
    If you do not have one of the built-in black water flush system. I suggest you buy one of the black tank cleaning wands with the spinning brass spraying tips. That fastens to one of the larger diameter (not the white drinking water type) water hoses that you intern stick down the toilet from the top side while holding open the toilet valve, and using a repeated up and down motion flush the inside of your tank thoroughly. I lower mine clear to the bottom until it stops spinning, then lift a tad until it starts. This gets the bottom clean. If at the same time you buy one of the clear elbows fastened at the exit of you tank, someone out side can tell you how you are doing at the same time tell you when the water is finally running clear and on into the campground drain..I personally am sold on these wands, flush system or not. Working dilgently this will clean the probs for your indicator.
  • After a google search, I wonder if this is what the manual is refering to? The manual does mention a red key.
  • I dont think you would want to shut off the trailer battery while towing. If it's disconnected it cannot activate the trailer brakes in the event of separation. I would think if it has a shut off, it would be for when the trailer is stored to avoid parasitic losses draining the battery.

    As far as the black tank, I would not necessarily trust the gauge, they are not known to be reliable.

    I would shine a flash light down the toilet and hope that there is only a small amount of water in there and that the previous owner didn't leave you a half tank of their "stuff".
  • The manual says the TV will charge the battery. I've been all over this thing, cannot find the disconnect. I do have a key that doesn't fit anything.

  • Seems odd to turn off the 12v while towing. How will the TV charge the battery?
  • Thanks for the reply. I'll look a the battery and tongue area.

  • A keyed battery switch should be close to the battery on the tongue, maybe attached to the frame, underneath. I would assume the mfg's instructions to turn that switch off is so the tow vehicle's battery is not drained while on the ball.

    I don't have those black tank indicators, I shine a flashlight down the toilet. I read a lot of reports that the indicators are not very accurate. What kind of a seller would leave a half tank of waste in the tank? I imagine it could happen.