I love my 17Z. I haul it with empty tanks and fill the water tank on arrival. Most campgrounds have a water spigot somewhere and I carry a long hose. I use the dump station when I leave so I'm again hauling empty.
I keep a strict watch on luggage to avoid going over the CC weight limit, which is posted inside the door. I also don't want to go over or even too close to the weight rating of the tow vehicle because weight = gas (not to mention brakes, engine wear, safety issues, etc.).
So I bought a Nook to replace the library I used to carry. I don't bring cases of soft drinks or carry more than 2 gallons of drinking water at a time. I bought a new, lighter laptop. I don't use very many canned goods. I weigh the luggage before leaving town, each trip. But then, I'm nuts.
Enjoy your trailer! And enjoy traveling light!