Walaby wrote:
I think there's shortages of some things out there that is obviously driving up prices, but I also believe some of it is made up.
Awhile back, there was supposedly a propane shortage. Can't speak for everywhere, but where Im at.. no shortage.
I, unfortunately, am in the beginning stages of building my retirement house. I could have waited, but then it likely would have delayed my retirement by another year, and who knows if the prices would go back down. I believe a lot of the price increases we are seeing that is attributed to shortages will never come back down. Oh, they might drop a little bit, but it' ain't coming down to pre-covid prices. No way. Businesses know people are willing to pay the price, so the new price points are being established now.
I agree that with things like lumber the prices may drop some but, not back to where it was. You can only put off building things for just so long and in some cases you can't put it off at all.
I'm not so sure about luxuries items like RV's though. It's been a boom recently but, all booms go bust eventually. It's anybody's guess when this will be though.
The Travel Trailer I got, though old and shot, works for me for now. I'm going to wait and see what happens. No way am I going to pay what they are asking right now. Something will maybe come along someday.