A bit confused about kingslide's response of 75#...????? Having moved from a HTT, the vast majority of those have a capacity of 1000# on each bunkend. I would assume that a rear slide would have a comparable capacity, but when in doubt, contact the manufacturer. Yes, as has been discussed on the HTT side many times, recommended nothing be stored on the slide when it is in. A rear slide is considered an "expandable" and not a HTT, but questions re them seem to surface often on that side. You might do a search here for expandable weight limits and see what comes up.
My cousin and DH in the Houston area had a KZ rear slide for about 8 years and loved it. The only downside was that they liked to camp at Galveston and the salt air was hard on the slide mechanism with rust spots. He was in a constant state of wirebrush/Rust-O-Leum.
Assume that the ones you're considering have 2 doors, but suggest you double check on-the-road access to the bathroom and kitchen areas.
Happy shopping and happy camping!