RandomAbstract wrote:
Yes, I would. I have purchased a trailer without an indoor kitchen (a teardrop) and loved it. Just sold it at a discount to a couple headed to Houston to try to rebuild their life. Now, we have a larger trailer with an inside kitchen. Don't care for it.
yep, I looked at that tear drop also, had a hatch back/roof that swung up to use limited kitchen facilities. stood there, imagining standing in the rain, and immediately discounted that idea.
had a few thoughts on camping experiences in the past that would make a outside kitchen intolerable, a stay in Wyoming with persistent 30 kazillion MPH winds, a cold miserable day in the Rockies where you had to unhook your fresh water hose every night and drain it or it would freeze, etc. yep, a really good idea, but post a photo when you rip out your indoor kitchen and transfer your "stuff" to outside compartments, which could be done. idle minds are curious.