Forum Discussion

b_mod's avatar
Apr 20, 2015

Outside shower problem

Outside shower does not operate even though we are connected to city water source. All interior faucets work fine. Second issue with outside shower is the quick connect system. The curly hose connected into port but can not remove the hose from the port! We have new Cruiser Viewfinder Signature 22 footer. All water lines,including line to outside port are as should be. Any advice? Thanx
  • Keep us informed as to what you find, I for one am very curious. I still think there are shut offs someplace for that shower for winter use.
  • It can't be water pressure. This should have been tested at the factory/dealer.
  • Thanks to all the responders. we were able to extract shower hose from quick connector with squirt of WD-40! The retaining ring moves freely now. Still no water. Think not enough not enough water pressure to operate this handy dandy gadget too?
  • Is the shutoff on the shower head turned/pushed to the off position? I thought I had low flow one time and the shutoff button was partly pushed in.
  • I have a FunFinder also by Cruiser RV with an outsicde shower. If your shower hose, like mine, stores by pushing the hose into the body of the camper, it probably goes into an interior compartment. The internal compartment in my camper is where the water pump is located along with the converter, slide control, etc. A panel, screwed in place, seals this compartment. By removing the screws/panel I can inspect the content. It has happened that the shower house has hung up and gotten kinked thereby stopping the water's flow. I suspect you may have a kink in your hose. If you can access it from inside the camper, you can probably easily correct the problem.
  • Be sure shower head is on. My outside shower has a ring around the top that turns less than 1/4 of a rotation to turn water on or off.
  • Remove the shower head from the hose and turn the water on. See if you have good water flow. If you do, clean the shower head as it's clogged with derbies or get a different head for it.

    You can replace the hose with something different. More than likely it is attached with a 1/2 inch threaded end, identical to the thread in your house hold kitchen faucet for the cold and hot line. You can get a flexible hose with 1/2 inch threaded ends and get away from the curled up hose. The nice thing is, you can get 1/2 inch nipples (threaded on both ends) and add a second one to make it longer. As long as you can feed the hose back in the wall, you can make it as long as you want.
  • I would think there has to be water valves shut off to the shower. They do this for winter use. Usually just inside the coach behind the shower.