Regarding the stove top burners........
When you light one off on HIGH is flame strong steady and good blue flame?
Does its flame change when you light off another burner on HIGH?
Are both flames strong steady and blue?
Any change when you light off the last burner on HIGH?
If flames do not diminish in height, remain good strong steady then fire off water heater on propane..........any change/difference in stove top burners?
Does water heater light off and have good flame?
IF they don't remain high, steady and blue then LP Regulator is not supplying proper pressure or it is bad.
Even new ones can be faulty or not properly set
With ALL propane appliances in service (100%) the LP Regulator should be able to provide proper FLOW and Pressure (11" WC -----0.4 psi)
Regulators when set/adjusted should be done with at least 50% of propane appliances in service
Dirty flame tubes, burner rings, manifold etc. on stove would cause lousy stove top burners regardless if oven flame was on or off.------dirty/obstructed remains dirty/obstructed