Can't agree with heavier springs ride higher, "BUT same amount of wieght off front axle" pickups are tailbhigh to start with. As you load, the frame goes to level, to tail down. The more tail down you go, more wieght is taken off the front axle. Add 2000 lbs to the back. A 4000 lb spring will square more, taking more wieght off the FA. A 6000 less, 8500 less yet, a 16500 like my MDT, less yet. It's real apparent when I put my equipment trailers 1500 lbs of hitch wieght on different grawr but same WB etc. From 300-400 lbs off a crew cab 172" wb with 6400 lb springs, change out to 8500 lb springs, 200-300, this is a 96 sw . My 05 dw crew cab, 8500 lb springs, also 200-300 lbs. IHC, all of 60-100 lbs.
Spring capacity does effect how much come off the front loading, depending upon where said CG is etc.