Jeanie and I went to EXPO2013 and had a grand time. A very high TC forum attendance with all the usual suspects. It didn't hurt that it was the last time the old Expo grounds had reasonalbly good weather during the event. A cool biting wind was the only woe. However, I was there to attend some seminars of which I had high interest, and they were great. There is no listing yet of who and what the seminars shall be. So, I'm probably not going unless by Feb. they list events I'm interested in. It seems to me that the Expo people are fair weathers. Add a little discomfort, some pricip, and a dash of unpreparedness and they whimper away. The other observation is the Euro Centric nature of the beast. I don't care about Land Rovers, extraction clinics or sand mats. The Whaz himself in May 2013:
circling the wagons on a late May afternoon: