Gdetrailer wrote:
Lynnmor wrote:
Many folks learned the hard way that the use of a parking brake in freezing temperatures was a bad idea. Cables or mechanisms freeze fast and you will go nowhere.
Total BS.
I HAVE been setting a parking brake on ALL of my vehicles since I started driving back in the early 80's and I HAVE NEVER HAD A FROZEN parking brake due to freezing weather.
I drive a lot of miles in heavy snow, slush and sub freezing temps..
The main reason folks have issues with their parking brake is due to LACK OF USE AND MAINTENANCE.
This is a "use it or lose it" thing, constant use keeps the cables free of rust and also helps move the grease that was used during assembly around.
Parking brake mechanisms just like any other mechanical item NEEDS some routine maintenance, inspect yearly and lubricate moving parts when inspecting..
You cannot get around this in PA, all vehicles must get a yearly inspection, the parking brake MUST work, otherwise the mechanic will fail the vehicle until fixed.
I remember watching helplessly while a unattended vehicle slowly traveled down a parking lot.. The vehicle owner must have just been relying on the manual transmission in reverse and engine to hold the vehicle in place.. Could hear the engine compression as the engine was slowly turning over..
Nope,, I agree with Lynnmor. I have had ,and know people that have had, the parking break freeze up in the winter when it gets below 0 f and you are bucking big snow drifts on county roads.
Of course, I don't go camping in the winter then it's below 0.
But, they also can get rusty and stick too.
The trick to parking brakes is to either use the regularly to keep them working or don't use them at all.
On my 2011 f-150 I use them to when backing to the trailer because they have less slop then the park in the transmission. So, because I am using it often I will keep using it.