Sue Bee wrote:
Indiana Dunes is close (50 miles east) to the city, there is the South Shore train stop right at the park entrance, it is about 1 1/4 hours from Dune Park stop to Millenium station, it also stops at the museum campus.
I completely agree with Sue Bee. The Indiana Dunes can be beautiful and its not too far to Chicago. I know I was a bit harsh in an earlier post - but unless you live in Downstate its a little hard to understand the profound resentment that is felt towards Chicago. And if you have been the unwitting victim of a flash mob of "youths" on Michigan Ave., as one of our friends was, you'll know why people avoid Chicago.
Choose good weather - not hot weather - for your trip. Stay away from the south side and the west side - they're as dangerous as Baghdad. Feel comfortable inside the Chicago Art Institute, one of the best museums in the world as well as the Field Museum. Get back to the Dunes before nightfall.