Americamper wrote:
Thanks for the advice Sleepy. Is it because that is the"Bad" side of town or just conjested?
I hate to put labels... but BAD
... and all of Chicago is always congested and under construction.
I went up for a R&D 100 award ceramony in 1993. We drove in along lake Michigan... stopped at the Feild Museum (very nice) so that we'd know how to get back. Janet was driving.. she paniced when she ended up in a turn lane off the interstate highway... I wanted her to force her way back into the interstate traffic... she turned in to South Chicago not far from the Univ of Chicago... and then we got 4 blocks deep... masses of people in the narrow streets, pounding on the car. I put my foot on top of hers to keep us crawling for another block and turned the wheel from the passenger seat.
By the late 90's it was worse.
If you can get as far north as the Lincoln Park Zoo area it gets better...
So... get some good, up to date info before you go.
Just from memory... If I needed to go back for a few days I would consider staying on the North side... maybe at a Hampton Inn... their parking area would be safe. I'd park my camper, use the room for showers, etc... and probably sleep in my camper.
Good luck... take pictures and post your recommendations when you finish your trip.