Forum Discussion

Bears_Den's avatar
May 26, 2018

Patio/Awning lights

My TT has a slide out that opens under the awning, my patio light is mounted on the slide out but does not give off a lot of light. I was wondering if anyone has put LED lights on their slide out since mounting them under the awning would be partially blocked by the slide out. The patio light would be a great place to tie into get electricity. Thanks in advance for your input.
  • Been done lots of time, in many ways. Most cases, it works very well. BTW, our LED padio light, mounted under a white awning, puts out plenty of light, sometimes too much. Ant it is an automatic motion sensor also.
  • My slide occupies about 1/2 of the awning area. I put stick-on led lights to the underside of the coach rain gutter on the half the slide does not block. Tied it into the existing patio light. Works well.