twodownzero wrote:
760 is nowhere near enough, but the actual number is 1,310 minus your tongue weight. 760 pounds should be plenty for passengers and hitch unless you're planning on filling the cab with heavy people. I would be skeptical of that tongue weight number, though. You want to load the tongue as heavy as you can get away with for the most stability.
So, truck is apparently already too heavy by your statement, but you want to load it up as heavy as possible so it will not sway, but you must add a wdh for the weight and anti sway for the sway you just eliminated??
Then what? Unhook it and drive to the dealer for a 3/4 ton to pull a stupid little camping trailer so you can sleep at night?
So, by your math and others', perty much any half ton (save for the super duper payload models) can't even pull a 5klb trailer because once the magical minimum of 13% or whatever it is tongue weight, plus the weight of the univerSALLY required wdh and anti sway, plus passengers/cargo is all added up, the truck is done for?
Flat, busted, illegal, immoral, and downright lewd with toooo much weight!
I'm so glad that more of the world operates in reality and not where you folks do, or it would be impossible to accomplish anything meaningful with any semblance of ease or common sense!
Do any of you weight cop wannabes actually look around without your blinders on and realize that just because you are afraid of your proverbial shadow, or like to impose your "opinion" of what's right even though it's quite contrary to common practice, that maybe, just maybe, everything is not as "critical" as you make it out to be?
This thread, just put the OP into a class 2 or 3 truck, yes a class 3, because "Once you add a diesel and crew cab and options and 4wd to a 3/4 ton, it has the same payload as half tons......"
I'm not certain if I feel more sorry for you all who don't live in reality, or the poor folks that are looking for real advice and don't have the experience to realize that your ridiculous claims are draining their pocketbooks dearly.
I should make a poll and see if the "weight cops" are right wing or left!