Lots of reasons to buy used but new is easier to find specs so here is an option. Don't want to enter the new vs used debate here. Plenty threads on that.
Jayco Jay Flight 23 MB
Exterior Length: 26'10"
Dry Weight: 4200 lbs
GVWR: 6500 lbs
Cargo Capacity: 2300 lbs
No slides.
Jay Flight 23MBNow, that dry weight isn't accurate because at a minimum it doesn't include propane but even if you bump up to 4,500 lbs you have room for cargo. It seems most folks bring about 1,000 lbs of gear so you are at 5,500 lbs. That puts you at 715 TW + WDH and you are at 815 lbs total TW. That should be in spec for your hitch but you still need to climb under the truck and look at the stamp on the hitch. 815 lbs also gives you 900 lbs for passengers and gear in the truck not counting the 1,000 in the TT.
Now, with a 6,100 lb rating, I wouldn't want to tow 5,500 lbs in the mountains. You still need to know if you have a transmission cooler which is a necessity for longer trips. But, something like this should be towable based on what you've told us. Also, if you are camping weekends instead of cross countries, I bet you could get by with less than 1,000 gear in the TT. I overpack but I still camp in a PUP and don't bring anywhere near 1,000 lbs of gear.