jimh425 wrote:
Never a popup ... they stink .... joking.Never a popup ... they stink .... joking.
Popups (and hardsides) vary quite a lot. There are the ones that are very basic and the ones that are not. Some popups approach hardside weight and other than height and wind resistance don’t have much of an advantage compared to the lighter hardsides. As someone noted, you have to open them to make the usable, but the other issue is the door. Many of them are kind of short. Possible to get in, but definitely different.
From Class A to TC is a big jump especially on a SRW. You will be losing a lot of storage as well as the ability to access your amenities without going outside. I think you should be also looking at Bs and Cs. They will still lose a lot of length.
So does a hardside when you cook fish for supper.....lol