Uplander wrote:
This is starting to get a little crazy. I just priced the Honda 2000i generator. They sell for $1999 minimum to about $2199. The Harbor Freight Predator 2500 sells for $499. You do the math. My calculator shows about a $1,500 savings. Facts are Facts.
Honda is tops for reliability and the Predator is a newer offering. You can buy 4 of the HF Predator 2500watt inverter generators for the price of one Honda 2000i and please note the HFPredator is 2500watt with a constant 2000watt power supply. If memory serves the Honda 2000i supplies about 1800watts of constant power.
You are certainly free to buy what you want, others are just sharing their experiences. I don't like the new Honda prices so I shopped Craigslist until I found a hardly used 3000 for a good price. The only thing wrong was the gas had been left in it for a couple years and it surged bad... some Seafoam and Lucas injector cleaner and it has ran perfect for me, both as backup for house and when we have the travel trailer out. I like my quiet Honda and have no problem with you buying 4 of the HF ones if you need to.
If you only need a 2000, here is a barely used one for $800.