Forum Discussion

dieselenthusias's avatar
May 04, 2014

Portable Waste Tank Recommendation

I'm looking for a portable waste tank recommendation. There are several manufacturers, and for the most part they seem to be very similar in function. But I was curious if there was one brand or style that stood out above the rest. I would especially like to hear from those who have experience with them! Thanks!
  • I had a 15 gallon you could tow on the hitch. Some times it was quite heavy
    to pull to the vehicle, rough grassy hill. Figuring 8 lbs per gallon that
    was 120 lbs. I don't know how they use those 30 gallon totes.

  • This question comes up occasionally and when it does Barker seems to be the preferred one by a pretty wide margin. Their customer service after the sale is very good.

    I have one my self and have no trouble in 8 years of use.
  • get one that is easy to maneuver by hand and that has a handle you can attach to your truck or other vehicle to haul through the campground. The last campground I was at had grey dumps throughout the park, so I only had to haul gray water a hundred yards or so. The one before that only had the single dump near the exit of the campground. If I had not been able to attach to truck, I would have had to haul water nearly a mile. Water is heavy and sloshes around so that the tank is not the easiest thing to maneuver. I have a Barker 30 gal. I found it locally on craigslist for less than half retail plus no shipping.
  • We have the Thetford SmartTote LX Portable Waste Tank - 35 Gallon. My husband and son in law do the work emptying the tanks. Husband said it is difficult to empty the tank completely. There's always a little bit left in the tank. He then adds a bit of water and OdoBan. Other than that, it's a good product.
  • They all work well. Get the one at your local Dealership or shop online for the best prices.

    I prefer the two wheeled versions of the Barker and the Tote-a-Long because they are simple.

    Really it comes to preference and availability. I racked my brain over a portable tote for a long time... Finally I just went and bought what the local RV dealer had... They are really simple contraptions.

    Thanks and good luck,
