I bought a 10 gallon model when I had a popup. It was only used for the little amount of gray water generated by the sink. It was easy to handle.
I bought a Barker 22 gallon model for use with our current travel trailer. The waste tanks are 25 gallons, so I can almost fill the storage tank and still be able to completely empty it via the tote.
The downside is the weight. Almost 200 lbs full. To move it from the camper, to the hitch of the truck, it must be tilted upright and rolled. If you have a bad back, this is NOT the tote for you.

This does work very well. Our last camping trip was Fort DeSoto. They not only lacked full hookups, they also didn't have the dumpstation within the pet friendly camping loop. I had to depart the campground, drive on the park's main road, and re-enter the campground to get to the dumpstation. I waited for a break in traffic, and cruised on the main road at 20 MPH. That's fast for those little wheels. I did spray them with WD-40 before rolling. Had to do this a few times during our stay.
If I had it to do over, I'd consider getting a 4 wheeled model that did not have to be tippped up to hitch and dump.