Just a few of the reasons we still prefer our tacky lights from our ROO. We're of the thought that the rope lights give off too much light and, no offense intended to those who like this idea, if they're moved to the ground they seem to look like an airport runway.
We have our little red lanterns, some pumpkins for fall and baseballs/gloves for our annual trek to spring training. After much trial and error with attaching them simply and quickly, we ended up in the office supply section and got some of the 1" binder clips. Fast to put up and if a storm blows in, we can just give them a couple of pulls and they're down. Put the awning up and then round up the lights and stow them. The light is very minimal and soft - we like them. Most of the time, we just use candles or some of the oil-type lights for a bit of extra light and if it's windy, we don't have to deal with the awning.