Forum Discussion

Keith_Haw's avatar
Dec 11, 2015

Pro Pride/Hensley, what do you do with the stinger

Just wondering what y'all do with the stinger when not in use. It sticks out to far to leave it mounted so was just wondering. Right now I just put mine in the truck.

  • Lock it up.

    A steel recycling place will give anyone $0.35 a pound or about $10 for one, and it will cost $75+ to replace it.

  • Stowing it in the trailer is a good idea, and in a canvas bag is even better.
  • Some thing with regular ball shank........take it out and stow it.

    I had a old canvas bag that I would put ball shank in to keep it from getting inside of my truck dirty

    That Hensley stinger isn't going to be used on other equipment except your trailer so why not stow it inside trailer when not needed

    OR leave it attached to hitch