Huntindog wrote:
I often have to receive trucks at work... So I get to watch a lot of truck drivers back into the docks. It is amazing to me how many struggle with this.... Perhaps they should target the semi market for this "trinket"
I have seen this all my life. OTOH, in my lifetime I have seen a lot of people that did not appear to be qualified to do the job.
4x4ord wrote:
It used to be that commercial truck drivers were, as a rule, quite skilled. It seems to me that since they started wearing different head coverings their driving has gone to $&!t.
Over the years I have worked with a lot of drivers, and never saw where head gear or skin color had much to do with skill level. Hired 1 guy, application said worked for trucking co for years. Every time I saw the truck, turn signal was flashing. Paid him off after 2 days. Another, customer called, "this guy keeps going past the job" I called him "What's going on?" "They want me to blindside in!" Man, you're driving a straight truck, on a closed street. Paid him off that afternoon