Huntindog wrote:
Edd505 wrote:
Bionic Man wrote:
I'm not going to watch a 30 minute video on the system. But I do have it on my Expedition MAX. I've set it up to work with both my boats. Only used it once - when I went out with a group of people, and no one was comfortable backing up the trailer to retrieve the boat at the launch ramp.
The system worked well enough to have someone with limited experience successfully back down the boat ramp.
Spend anytime at a boat ramp (or honestly a campground), and you quickly see there is a real need for a product like this.
How many semis are on the road and they do not have backup assist.
I often have to receive trucks at work... So I get to watch a lot of truck drivers back into the docks. It is amazing to me how many struggle with this.... Perhaps they should target the semi market for this "trinket"
That's actually funny. I got my CDL by taking a collage coarse. The instructor had us backing what could have been a stock car race track. Once we got proficient going clock wise he had us reverse directions. The only person in the class that didn't have an issue day one was a local rancher. Like the kid above he had been backing equipment since he was a kid. He ended up helping those that had trouble because he didn't need the time behind the wheel. Everyone in the class was able to back and parallel park to either side. The school trucks had to be backed into a garage at night, all done by the students.
My very first "long haul" was in school from NM to Salt Lake city to pickup a dinosaur for a museum the school was opening. Made great conversation at the truck stops, been driving so long my first load was a dinosaur and I had pictures to prove it. :)