Eric&Lisa wrote:
I am curious.... What can go bad on an RV propane tank that requires re-certification?
Technically only corrosion, but the certification requirement come at the time when industry switched to valve who will automatically shut off at certain level.
Older tanks & cylinders relied on humans for proper level bleeding and that proved to be dangerous.
I also have scuba cylinders and they have 3-stages of different certifications.
-visual inspection
-checking the inside for corrosion
-"hydro test" when cylinder is filled with high pressure liquid (liquid for safety).
So comparing, propane certification is peanuts.
I filled up 2 different cylinders at Costco 2 days ago.
The technician hooked up cylinder on scale, went on the other side to computer screen, punched the cylinder size and got a beep when cylinder was filled. No more bleeding.