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mattyj's avatar
Sep 18, 2019

Propane tank recertification

I Recently started looking for a company that will recertify my propane tanks on my lance truck camper but I cannot find one place that will recertify them I assume it’s because it’s in their best interest to sell new tank instead of Recertifying an old one for a third of the price. Anyone else have a problem Trying to get their propane tanks certified? Thanks Lou
  • They use floats and magnetic clutch to move the needle.
    As with each floats- they will show 0 with less than about 10% of fill, so not too accurate. When I was camping with single cylinder, I was carrying spring scale to measure weight of the propane.
    Thinking about those $5 re-certifications - they did not pull the valve out to inspect the inside, did they?
  • This is a good time to buy a new bottle. I had to buy one a month ago for $50, empty. Now I see Costco has new 20 pound bottles with a gauge for $30 plus $10 to fill it. People say the gauge works well. One guy demonstrated rocking the bottle so the level changed and the gauge responding - it must be a float sensor setup.
  • I had my horizontal truck camper tanks done in Leesburg, Florida. Easily done (verses expensive new tanks) and no hassle. If need be I can find the address, may have to wait till I get back to FL in Oct. Ron
  • I ask propane seller in Las Vegas and they directed me to American Gas for re-certification.
    The horizontal cylinders with gauge I have sell for about $300 new, so recert is worth it, even doing it last time in California, I paid $25 if not more.
  • In order for a propane vendor to do cylinder recertificaions that vendor must have a valid US DOT RIN (Requalifier Identification Number) or VIN (Visual Identification Number).
    That entails training/certification & fees.

    Very Low Market Segment so becoming less cost beneficial to vendors.

    Try this RIN/VIN Locator Link to find vendor in your area
    DOT RIN Locator Tool
  • Just about any of the local propane dealers will in my area. The local RV part house sells propane and recerts tanks for $5. Much cheaper than swapping out at Blue Rino.
    Oh, and if you do go the blue rino route, check the dates on those tanks too. Many are within months of expiring. Weed through and exchange for a more recent tank that has a longer period before needing it's next cert.
  • Less and less propane dealers are willing to do this any more . In general Blue Rino is a ripoff but if you can find newer tank there ( check the date ) exchange your old tanks for new , take their label off and. use till they expire , if you have vertical tanks . If you have horizontal tanks most welding gas suppliers will recertify propane tanks .
  • How old are your current tanks? For safety sake, it might be in your best interest to get new tanks if they are past their expiry date. I see your camper is a 2004 - probably if the tanks have never been replaced, it might be time.
  • I've encountered the same problem with the horizontal tanks in my Lance 915. Thats why figuring out a way to put vertical 20 pound tanks in there is on the top of my project list. Can swap them out at any blue rhino when a new one is needed.