AirForceAngler wrote:
Mkos1980 wrote:
Once the tank is off it still hiss/ spitting out the hose from the regulator.
You may have bad switchover valve if it is a constant hiss. Do you have the bottle valve closed on the "empty" bottle? empties, but that's about it.
1) Remove the propane bottle that is empty.
2) Now that hose will be 'open' on the end
3) Ensure the switchover valve is pointing at the full tank
4) Ensure the full tank valve is open
5) Check for propane leak from the 'open' hose
6) If you have a propane leak from the open end of the hose, your switchover valve is slightly leaking.
You can switch it manually back and forth a few times and see if that helps, or you can always keep a bottle connected and the leak-past won't actually make it to atmosphere. Personally, I would replace the valve (but I always take one of my tanks off the trailer to use for the stove and BBQ so I don't want a leaky valve)