It is true it is not for everyone. If you try it be sure to get a site that you will be able to get the trailer in and out if you need to, don't want a site that they had to use a tractor or something to get it in. Also you want to be give or take an hours drive on Friday night or you will not use it. We traveled for 10 years but got to a point where we could not make plans with the kids activities, all the sports, scouts, band etc. we were down to no trips so we tried seasonal. We were seasonal for 11 years spend most every weekend or part of weekend from May to Oct at. Being an hour and ten away we could do the sports and still get there Sat afternoon through Sunday or leave early Sunday for football etc. one weekend my son and I went back and forth 3 times for his soccer games as my wife and the other 2 camped. Once the kids were older, we left and have been back on the road the last 4 years. Good luck.