I am looking forward to the long term feasibility report!
I admit, I had to look at the website to see what the big deal is. A G-note for a battery seems pretty steep, until I realized it is a lithium ion battery. We may need locks for them like Fastguns. LOL!
Anyway... I bought a Phantom 2 quadcopter a few years back, which also uses lithium ion batteries. I had read, but failed to heed, that lithium ion batteries should NOT be stored at full charge. They should be stored at 30-40% or so charge. My thinking was... What's the point of a battery if it isn't full when I need it...so I kept them at full all the time. They lasted about 2 years before losing their ability to lift the QC off the ground. Bought new ones, and I leave them at about 30% capacity. I only charge them to full before a flight.
So I will be curious what the long term report is on this battery. Will you keep it at full charge when not in use? And if you do, how will it hold up over time?