Forum Discussion

Cairn_terrier's avatar
Apr 07, 2014

Purchasing a Livin Lite proving to be a real pain rant.

We have been looking for a Livin Lite, our first TT.

This has proved to be highly frustrating.

1. After 10' or so hours of research, I know more than most salesmen.

2. Dealers websites are horribly unreliable. 14 db on a website at $19600 shown with what I want actually is quoted at $21800.

3. One dealer said that cash or financing was not different to them, as they would price the unit the same. That it would be unfair to either to price it differently.

Which after thought, begged the question: so all your units you basically sell for the same price?

If yes, why not just post the price?

4. The MSRP vs actual selling price is just pure BS.

5. These guys make car salesman look like saints.

And. In closing, livin lites ..... We are dropping our desire to even buy one for a while as LIVIN LITES ARE JUST TOO EXPENSIVE.

Thanks for everyone's past help. We are done for a bit. Be well.
  • There is no MSRP on trailers. Sometimes dealers use them, but it is pure fiction. There is not the regulation on pricing so you do have to do your research, know what to pay. I don't negotiate. I figure out a fair price for the dealer and for myself--not trying rip off either one. I offer it. Period. And walk away if they won't take it. I may have to go to several dealers but I never failed to get an RV for my price. But it is a fair price. I ignore all stated prices by the dealer.
  • In our area we have at least three dealer who have been in the RV business for 30 plus years.

    How long would these people be in business if they always ripped of the public?

    How long would these puople be in business if they did not make a decent profit?

    Dealers have a business model that they follow. If you do not like the price, move on.
  • Cairn terrier wrote:
    We have been looking for a Livin Lite, our first TT.

    This has proved to be highly frustrating.

    1. After 10' or so hours of research, I know more than most salesmen.

    2. Dealers websites are horribly unreliable. 14 db on a website at $19600 shown with what I want actually is quoted at $21800.

    3. One dealer said that cash or financing was not different to them, as they would price the unit the same. That it would be unfair to either to price it differently.

    Which after thought, begged the question: so all your units you basically sell for the same price?

    If yes, why not just post the price?

    4. The MSRP vs actual selling price is just pure BS.

    5. These guys make car salesman look like saints.

    And. In closing, livin lites ..... We are dropping our desire to even buy one for a while as LIVIN LITES ARE JUST TOO EXPENSIVE.

    Thanks for everyone's past help. We are done for a bit. Be well.


    A member of this forum for less than a month and tossing in the towel..

    First of all I think you are over thinking this and your expectations are a bit over the top..

    RVs unlike automobiles do not have any SET discounts from the MSRP.

    Websites often will be inaccurate price wise.

    Dealer CAN keep the "cash" price the same as the "credit" price if they like.

    YOU need some patience and be willing to walk away from the deal if it isn't REASONABLE FOR BOTH PARTIES (a dealer can't sell it for the same price (or less than)as they purchased from the manufacturer).

    You MUST realize that the DEALER NEEDS to turn a profit on EACH SALE, otherwise they will not stay in business for long.

    YOU must realize that the brand, model may not have much of a MARKUP available from the manufacturer so the dealer may have a very thin amount they can discount from the MSRP.

    I think less than three weeks to find and make a deal is expecting way too much of yourself.. Perhaps instead of blowing up because a brand or model is more than what you feel it is worth you should broaden your horizons and look at OTHER brands and models which COST LESS...