Guy Roan wrote:
The quality was terrible on them long before the Covid problem.
Talk to anyone and that has bought in the last five or six years, and they will echo that.
I think you must be one of the lucky ones.
I can't really disagree but I looked at Aspen Trails like five years ago and they were horrible... Then I watched them improve and when I bought I was pleasantly surprised. Some of it is the Dealership also. Mine used to go through them with a fine tooth comb before giving them to customers. One thing I noticed on mine was as I was going through the initial quality check with the head of their crew that did the prep, I noticed a small round mark on the counter top. I pointed it out and the guy goes oh that's a flaw, they should have fixed it at the plant but we will give you a new one.
Now, from that, I first noted that one, someone was doing a quality check at the factory. Second, I could not even see the flaw they were marking. AND I looked hard... The Prep guy said it could allow moisture into the core. I frankly was a bit surprised it had even been noted. AND, the prep guy agreed with me on improved quality noting they keep track and provide feedback to the manufacturer. When I picked it up, he told me, I had gotten one that needed very little work.
I remember the ones from like 5 to 6 years ago and simple things like puckering on the "wallpaper," excess screws everywhere, siding on things like dinette seats not fully attached...