Alabama Jim wrote:
Reading post daily and it seems there is a daily post about problems with a slide out. I would fear trouble if I were to buy one.
I read posts daily of people that have problems with their water pump. Does that mean you shouldn't buy a RV that has a water pump?
Of course not. What it means is someone had a problem and is looking for advice (stuff happens). Exactly what this forum is for. If everyone that didn't have a problem with their water pump, slideout, awning, refrigerator or whatever, posted on a daily basis that they "Didn't Have A Problem with ...", this forum would be inundated with useless information. However, then you would have a valid comparison of problems vs. non-problems. The fact that something shows up; means nothing. Slideouts show up about as often as water pumps, awnings, water heaters, refrigerators, batteries, converters, air conditioners, and a whole bunch of other stuff (the list is endless).
The point being, stuff happens.