Jdizzle wrote:
If I dont winterize them, do I have to run the furnace all winter to keep it from freezing up so we can use the hookups while at the RV resort?
Yes, either winterize by blowing out lines or using RV antifreeze in the lines or you will need to keep the temperature inside higher than freezing and I would shoot for 40 f at a minimum. That would be in addition to having the holding tank heaters and holding pipe heaters on. Also will need a heated hose coming from the water service. Really shouldn't be any difference between Breckenridge and most other parts of CO except the freezing temps are longer in the high country.
You also could consider winterizing your RV and then not using the water lines or holding tanks. Just bring bottled water with you when you are there and then use facility restrooms/showers.
Read this thread's first post which coincidentally, is originally written by someone from Tiger Run Resort in Breckenridge:
Winter RV camping