Where did you get the idea of a "Slime" gauge Rick:) It works great! I also have about a 10" long chuck hooked to my compressor that easily fills both outside and inside tires as described in an earlier post.....I run mine per the door sticker. I run 80 psi in the fronts and 65 in the rears.....I have 29,000 miles on my truck and the rear tires look almost as new as the day I picked up the truck...I don't rotate dually tires...Never have, never will.....From suggestions, I dropped psi in the rears for about 3 weeks on my 4 dually tires to 45 psi...ride was a tad smoother, but not THAT much different, and my mpg also dropped from 14.5 mpg to 14.1 mpg, (based on comparing the same type running around, to and from work...same route, everything)....So, I'm prone to stay with the 65 psi in the rears, (having an inside connection with General tires, I've spoken to a tire Engineer about his take on the tire psi discussions we have on this forum:))