Forum Discussion

devildog1971's avatar
May 27, 2013

R.V. Net Truck Camper Members

I have met some truly wonderful people on this forum, when some members learned I had a health problem and I was wanting to attempt a new treatment some 2000 plus miles from home, these individuals went way above and beyond what a fraternity brother would do above and beyond what some family members might do. Everything was set with a place to park and stay in my T/C, unfortunately I procrastinated a little long and the doctors treating me in Nashville (I live in Georgia) informed me that if I delayed treatment ant longer more drastic measures would need to be done and the outcome might not be favorable. Now a year and five months later my problem is in remission. That small group of T/C owners on RV net did so much for me that saying I will be eternally grateful is not even close to how much respect and admiration I have for these good and wonderful people I may never be able to do enough to express my gratitude for one of the other things they did for me was they gave me hope and a belief that there are good people in the world. I now try to help anyone I see that might need a friend and try to help as freely as I can without causing grievous injury to my own finances, but it is not always about money in many cases someone may need someone to talk to that he believes the listener to be truly interested in listening and or helping with whatever their problem may be.. I will not name those that were so extra kind to me but at least three were from Tn and and at least six in Ca. so to those of you that showed you cared even for a stranger you changed my life for the better. Even though 'THANK YOU' does not come close to saying what is in my heart I hope you know how I feel THANK YOU one piece of information NO ONE gave me money what they gave me meant more they opened their hearts to a stranger and made that stranger a friend
  • devildog1971, I'm really pleased to hear that your health is doing well. Happy Travels.

    Bob in Calif.
  • Thank you for thanking those that have given you a hand... we all need help at sometime in our lives and it's good to know there are helpers. I'm sure that in the end "they're just paying it forward even though I'm sure that that wasn't their intention.

    Janet and I hope to meet up with you someday... we are sort of neighbors... just a few hours apart along I-75.

  • The many members of this forum we have met in person or camped with seem to be even nicer people in person than many of their posts have portrayed them to be. They are in the dozens+ now and we have had lasting friendships with many of them for years. Even meet together on purpose in various cities or CG's or at geographical feature locations. Had as many as 6 RV unit friends all meet in a place or travel there together to have a fun time. Many are TC'ers and they seem to be ultra congenial, friendly, and geniunely helpful to the core.

    Health issues can be a real challenge but we've noticed many afflicted seem to cherish their time spent RVing more than many healthy ones. The good thing is that everyone goes out of their way to be as much help as they can if, when, and where needed.

    In all honesty, we've seen this scenario playout long before there was computers or forums also over our 49+ years of RV'ing. There are NO strangers amongst RV'ers unless they want to be and you learn to roll with the punches even though they are so few.
  • This is a great start to my Memorial Day.
    Congratulations on your remission.
    I'm sure sharing in your success and joy is pretty darn good thanks in itself to those who helped. To see you succeed was the reason to help.
    Best wishes for your continued success.
  • Dam it is really nice to read posts like this and shows there are REALLY NICE PEOPLE out there.

    Made me feel a lot better about where the world is going THX for sharing. :C
  • Glad your doing well. I also feel truck campers ive met are a great helpful bunch.