Forum Discussion

busterbrown73's avatar
Aug 12, 2015

Radiance 28QBSS and Shadow Cruiser 280QBS

My wife and I are in the market for a new 2016 bunkhouse travel trailer. We like the floor plan and layout of the two Cruiser RV models: the Radiance 28QBSS and Shadow Cruiser 280QBS.

Just curious what the major differences are between both units as the dry weight seems to be very similar. From what I'm reading, I believe the ceiling height is lower on the Shadow Cruiser? Is build quality that much less on the SC? Looks like an electric tongue jack is standard on the Radiance vs the SC. Both have outside kitchens. Price difference between two units at 2 dealers is about $1000...higher for the Radiance.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. My wife and I want to take delivery on one of these units this weekend.
  • So, the framing and structure are practically identical then? Are the front caps made up of the same materials too? The caps look quite different.
  • Hello; the Radiance model is a slightly higher end unit then the Shadow Cruiser model. The build of both units would be about the same. The Radiance would just have some finishing touches a little nicer then the other.
