Forum Discussion

kjoh75's avatar
May 14, 2013

2013 Cruiser RV Radiance

Becoming more and more interested in light weight travel trailers. The Cruiser RV Radiance line has caught my eye. I believe it is new in their 2013 line up. I am having difficulty finding any reports from consumers (Pro's or Con's)on this line of travel trailer. Models inparticular are the R-27RBSS. The R-28RLSS and R-28QBSS. Anyone who may have some experience in using these travel trailers could you please let me know if they make a good product.
  • Coolestdudeever: I just purchased a 280 QBS earlier this week (waiting for it to come from the factory).

    My husband and I are brand spanking newbies... how did you know you had an axel issue?

    Do tell?

    Thakns for the expertise!
  • We bought a shadow cruiser 313BHS in December.We had some issues with the axles. The problem was taken care of. We absolutely love ours. It's light weight, the floor plan is great the outdoor kitchen and most of all separate room for the grand kids

    PS; I did have to contact cruiser RV over the axles. They helped expedite the problem much quicker then the dealer was!

    Happy Trails!
  • Just bought a Shadow Cruiser 280QBS. Love the floorplan with a completely seperate room for the kids while still being lightweight and only 32". Quality seems good - water pump is quiter than most, unified control panel instad of 8 mismatched switches, reading lights next to bed, outdoor kitchen and bumper mount grill are awesone. The ceilings are low in the Shadow Cruiser and my fresh water tank is not drawing all of the water (1/3 tank left but blows air). Dealer is fixing next week. Other than that I love the style and decor but especially the floorplan.

    Most Cruiser RV owners seem happy - check out the Fun Finder forums and they may be able to give more feedback.

    I have a real hard time telling any difference between any of the Cruiser product lines - not sure what their strategy is.
  • We own a 2012 viewfinder 27rbss in 12 months the front cap bleached white it has been waxed 3times will not make it any better if you buy one of these keep and eye on it cruiser will not fix it or will not help with fixing it may paint it with roller we like the trailer but the co that makes there caps are not putting enough color in them and they will not call them to task any co should warranty their paint longer than that
  • I haven't had any issues with my Viewfinder V-28BHSS. We love the floorplan and so far haven't seen any quality problems with our unit. My brother just bought a Radiance R-28BHSS and his seems just as well built as mine, although he's missing a few of the higher model options that came with mine. The only issue he had on his first trip out was that the water heater wouldn't fire on electric only. I found the issue pretty quickly, they forgot to wire the hot leg in to the circuit breaker. That should have been found by the dealer at PDI, but I guess they missed it.
  • Hey there,

    I am trading my htt in on a viewfinder 28bhss on wednesday afternoon. They are made by cruiser rv also. I had a rough time researching them also. From what i gather they had a rough road for a while, and in 2010 (maybe) they were merged (or bought) by DRV luxury Suites. They are a high end fiver and motor home manufacturer.

    I checked price on a radiance in the same floor plan to mine, at another dealer, the salesman stated the dif was that the radiance line is same build quality as viewfinder, just with smaller price tag due to not using teh stainless steel appliances and fireplace, that kind of think. But actually his quote was about same as I am paying for my unit.

    I have found some good, some bad on internet, but that is what forums typically are. they are full of gripes at times.
    Good luck in your search.