Forum Discussion

drenjoey's avatar
Sep 11, 2014

Rain gutter

Hi Folks,

I have a Palomino S238 and like most hybrids, it has rain gutters over the bed ends. A branch fell on the back one and damaged it.
Would you know where I can find one of these !!

  • I live in the PINE STATE (Maine). Three years ago a pine tree went through my Travelstar hybrid and totaled it.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I know what you mean trying to keep things like they were original. I have drug my POPUP way back off the roads alot and have never had any limb damage to my RAIN GUTTERs. Sounds like another post here has had a similar thing like you with his rain gutter.

    Maybe my lower height with the POPUP when being towed is the big answer. My truck pushes the limbs out of the way first before they hit my trailer...

    I guess just contact the manf and see where they get their rain gutters from. I'm pretty sure mine must be spot welded on. Don't remember seeing any associated mounting hardware with mine.

    Good luck on your search...

    Roy Ken
  • The limb didn't take it apart or cause heavy damage Roy, but I like to have my stuff the way it was.
    I tried to straightened it up but it still shows and I don't like that.......but that's me.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    drenjoey - You are saying the RV RAIN GUTTER got damaged by a limb. WOW.. Thats amazing... I'd love to see a picture of how that happened. What i get for thinking I guess... Figured you was talking about the rain gutter extension add-ons... Disregard all about those I reckon...

    I would just go to LOWES and see what they have in stock. Maybe just a right angle aluminum strip would work. LOWES may also have some U-size strips as well. Anything like that to divert the runoff off the the sides.

    I mounted (glued down with DICOR Only) a plain ole angle strips across the back roof of my fifth wheel where water was running down onto the rear windows causing black streaks every time it rains. The Angle strip diverts the water to 5th wheel rain gutter running down both sides of the trailer.

    Try to keep things simple around here haha...

    Roy Ken
  • Thanks Dan for clarifying.....and yes RoyB, it is similar to the picture you posted.
    I tried googleing it without any luck.
  • I think I would try to google rv rain gutters and see what shows. I know they are available as the guy that does my rv work on things I don't want to fool with said he could replace mine as a similar thing happened to me. You cam PM me if you would like his phone number however he is located in Tennessee.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    BIKERDAN - I suspect the rain gutter on the OPs HYBRID Trailer is going to be very similar to my rain gutter on my POPUP tent end.

    This google photo shows a typical HYBRID RAIN GUTTER above the tent bed end which is very similar to my rain gutter and I am having trouble tying to imagine how a tree limb would do any damage to this extruded metal strip. Stranger things have happened I guess... I can see if the OP was using the add-on rain gutter extensions could be easily damaged or knocked off by a tree limb since they just snap in place.

    Hoping the OP can give more info on what was damaged. A PHOTO would be great...

    Just my observations...
    Roy Ken
  • No Roy, the OP does mean a rain gutter.
    Many hybrids have gutters placed over the bunk doors to keep water away from entering through the door seals.
    Contact Palomino parts dept.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I think you are referring to a rain gutter extension spout. The gutters themself are just a piece of angle or something similar that would not be damaged by a tree limb hitting them. The ADD-ON PLASTIC SPOUT EXTENDER like shown here just snaps in place...

    I see these listed in various places like even WALMART... These four units are available from CAMCO part number CAM42134... Just search GOOGLE for RV PLASTIC SPOUT EXTENDERS...

    Bet you can get these CAMCO items from AMAZON... Just looked $14.47 for pack of 4EA... You may want to check on one that is still in place and see if you can find a CAMCO part number of your exact part model. Probably different sizes available...

    Roy Ken