Bionic Man wrote:
Take a look at the profit margins on luxury trucks, and you will likely come to the concluson that they are not a fad.
And they seem to be selling very well. If you ever have a chance to drive one, you are more likely to understand.
I for one don't understand why anyone would rather have a utilitarian speced truck. But the beauty of a free market is that both options are available, and you can get what you want.
For many, the quickest path to a comfortable, secure, and solvent lifestyle is to forgo the bling and flash of so-called "luxury".
For those fortunate few that are truly able to bling, flash, and be comfortable, secure, and solvent, all at the same time, well, I admire your good fortune and hard-work.
All said and done though, yes, I do give thanks for a free market system that does a great job of accommodating a vast spectrum of tastes and budgets :)