Hi all.
Sorry for the long post. But here is how it went down today.
Got to the dealership, and I gotta say, I am in love with this trailer.
I took all advice and made the decision that was best for me.
So with my Ram 1500 with trailer tow package, I got the Starcraft Autumn Ridge 289bhs.
Distribution hitch: I picked up an E2
E2 link Please post any commnets on this hitch. It took a while to set it up. I spoke with a guy who really knew his stuff. Explained everything to me. Of course with my luck, he had to leave for lunch and I had someone else hook it up. I told him I wanted him to do it and he said if there were any problems to let him know. It was hooked up and I saw what was too much sag so I had the first guy paged, and he left his lunch and worked on it for an hour and a half until I was happy. I measured before and after and it looked good. I took with my my hockey gear in the box, some other heavier items to simulate some load on the truck too.
I have Air Lift 1000 bags, but did not get a chance to install them.
Driving: The dealership was 1.5 hours away from my house. And I think I had the best test route in I could find. The whole way on the 401..."Canada's most dangerous highway". It was also pretty windy. The truck did just fine. At first while I got used to it, I did sway a little bit. But I did the speed limit, took my time and got used to it at my own pace. I was passed by TONS of 18 wheelers and didn't notice much. For you fellow Canadians, on the way to the dealership, I got 23 liters per 100kms with my 4500lb trade in. On the way back I got 22 liters per 100kms on the 7000lb trailer. I understand this could be a due to geography and bit, but the 401 is very flat. So even if loaded, doesn't appear my mileage will be much worse with the new rig. I actually think this new set up is a good thing, because it has forced me to be a more responsible driver. I have driven a dump truck with a 25 foot hydro seeder fully loaded in my previous career and I think with my old trailer, I may have been a little over confident and maybe driving faster than I should have at times. Speed limit from here out!!
So all in all, so far a VERY positive experience. I will post pictures in the TT pictures thread if you want to have a look or I can attach some here too.
I also want to thank EVERYONE who contributed GOOD and BAD comments. Actually, there were no BAD comments, just different opinions which we are all entitled too. I was impressed with how thorough everyone was.
Lastly, I want to say a special thank you to jerem0621. He has been EXTREMELY HELPFUL.
Long day, so now time for a couple of beers and watch my favorite movie, Donnie Darko....Maybe I will see some of you on the road North of the Boarder some time??