Grit dog wrote:
Richandtd wrote:
I have a 07 wuth a 5.9 cummins will get camper in about 10 days my current mpg 23 on highway. I vote for the 07 that you have not found yet. with a 5.9 cause it's the year they switched over to the 6.7.
23mpg! Lol. Maybe at 52mph flat level with a tail wind.
Don't blow smoke up the OPs u know what. He doesn't know anything about diesels and is liable to believe you!
I sold my brother my 06. 3:73, 2wd, 6 speed manual. I could repeatedly get 23 on highway (empty, doing 65). I would fill up, get on PA turnpike set cruise control at 65mph and head west, 100 miles later get off and fill up again, yes the 5.9 can really get that MPG. but only that kind of driving. back country roads or running over 65 and I would average around 17. put pickup camper on it and lucky to see 15, tow a 5th wheel lucky to see 13.
its all about how much air you are moving