I have the 6speed in my 2500 with the 5.7l hemi and hate it. Not sure if it's the same tranny as the 6.4l. I've made numerous complaints to the dealer. I had difficulty towing some hills last summer when starting out from a stop. Pulled good in 1st to redline but then it dies on the shift into 2nd, bogs down and can't accelerate. I was stuck manually shifting into 1st to hold it there and crawl all the way up the hill. This happened twice. My old Tundra, with the same trailer, would pull those hills and continue accelerating through the gears. Rear gears (3.73 vs 4.30) might have had something to do with it.
Towing at highway speeds on the flats the tranny is usually in 4th gear, rarely 5th unless downhill with a tailwind. The Tundra would hold 5th easily.
The other issue is that the truck always wants to start out in 4th gear, unless I come to a complete stop. It's bogged down trying to accelerate from a corner. It takes nearly full throttle to get it to downshift but then it drops 2 gears (to where it should have been in the 1st place) and accelerates like a bat out of hell. Very frustrating. I'm considering getting the truck tuned to help with this, even if it voids the warranty.