Reminds me of Fiat putting the starting battery in the wheel well on their cars and Ford locating the alternator on the backside of their front wheel drive cars so you have to pull the steering rack to change an alternator. Looks good on paper but in real life it's no good.
The current trend for automakers to shorten their hoods on their pickup trucks makes servicing anything a nightmare. To service the engine on a Ford Diesel pickup truck (engine work involving say a head), it's now necessary to pull the cab off the frame to access the engine. In fact, that is pretty much SOP, even on the gas engine ones. Any major surgery on an Eco-Boost motor and the cab has to be removed to access the components. Again, looks good on paper, in real life, not so good, especially when the owner is paying the repair bill and typical shop rates are at or above 130 bucks an hour.