Huntindog wrote:
colliehauler wrote:
dodge guy wrote:
wing_zealot wrote:
ScottG wrote:
I'm going to think about your post here the next time I'm in stop and go traffic and my knee starts to hurt from using the clutch. ;)
I do wish you the best of luck!
Stop and go traffic occurs much more frequently then fluke transmissions.
Yes it will slow you down, but won't leave you stranded!
I had a clutch pressure plate go out on the Oakland bay bridge during rush hour. I had to drive home without the clutch getting the rpm right to shift gears. When I hit stopped traffic I had to kill the engine and start it back up in first gear. Not fun but made it home. Yes manual transmission/drive line fail as well.
Yes but, I know people that have managed to drive a stick with a bad battery or started for a long time before fixing it....Just park on a slope, let it roll and pop the clutch.
Try that with an automatic.:B
Kind of funny but that's exactly what I did with my 55 Dodge truck when I was a teenager. With the 6 volt system it would not spin it fast enough when hot to start so I parked on a hill and pop the clutch.
Actually the first automatics had two pumps and could be started with push starting