Forum Discussion

IdaD's avatar
Oct 29, 2016

Ram Rear Diff Fluid Change

I just changed out the rear diff fluid on my Ram at 20k miles. Why on earth did Ram not put a drain plug on the rear diff cover? It turned a 10 minute job into an hour job having to take all those bolts out. Still a very easy DIY maintenance item but I may look into an aftermarket cover with a drain in it the next time I change the fluid out.

I do think the first change is the most critical one because there should be less grinding now that the gears are broken in.
  • I guess I should look on the bright side and see it as an opportunity to seal the asphalt down by my shop.
  • The third party covers I've seen are outrageously expensive. Considering it's just a stamped piece of aluminum with a gasket.
  • I don't typically see drain plugs on factory diff covers or carriers on any of the trucks I've worked on or been around.
    Now why they don't put drain plugs on transmission pans (and tq converters would be nice too) chaps me every time I get to make that mess!