My 5500 rides nice enough to DD, with 2500lbs of bed and tools on it. No camper needed. It rides rough with bare frame rails, and would ride rough with an aluminum bed, but the heavy steel bed, toolboxes, 150lbs of tire chains, and a few hundred pounds of tools in the boxes, tames it nicely. I used to DD/commute with a 1T DRW, and don't feel like this is any worse. It doubles as a fifth wheel hauler, and we use it as our daily driver when staying in the 5er. So in summary, yes it rides rough, but if you don't try to go really lightweight with your bed, boxes, and default contents (w/o camper) - you'll be fine and it'll act about the same as an empty 1T DRW.
It is on 22.5s, but I don't think they make much difference over 19.5s. Regarding the size of the truck, it turns in about the same space as a 1T DRW, due to the wider front axle/ better wheel cut.