Dirt and water seem to be more prevalent in auxiliary fuel tanks, so for that reason I installed at fuel and water separator combination between the two tanks. Because of the added resistance, I also added at small low pressure (Mr. Gasket) fuel pump. Changing the OEM filter is always an option, but a real pain in the butt on Chevy's and GMC's, so I wouldn't want to do it more often than necessary. I run until my fuel gauge gets down to 1/4 tank and I switch on the pump. When the gauge shows full, I shut it off until I'm down to a 1/4 tank again, then repeat the process. With regard to your concerns about the fuel gauge. With the OEM tank constantly refilling on a gravity flow system, the OEM computer on GM vehicles will sense a fault when the fuel level shows full all the time, causing the gauge to zero out. To clear it you will have to stop and turn the ignition off.