Forum Discussion

Elwoodj's avatar
Sep 18, 2018

RDS Tank?

What size rds tank would you choose for your new 8 foot bed truck 3500, 50, 75 or go big or not at all 95-100?
  • I put a 40 on mine best thing I have ever done to my truck. If I had an 8ft bed I may have gone bigger. Don’t think I would go 90-100 unless I got to go a lot more.
  • I have the 40 gal RDS and it works very well. It allows me to put lawn chairs etc. on top of the tank, still under the hard cover. I do have a tool box in the rear however so that makes my truck 5iver specific most of the time.
  • I gave a RDS 62 gal wedge, this is my second truck with it. Even my wife thinks it was a great investment. I use the RDS gravity feed kit with it, works perfectly. What's a few more pounds when you're towing 16,000? Never notice the extra weight.

  • Plus the added fuel gives you the option to buy fuel when you find a lower price. My truck don't mind the increase in weight.
  • Old-Biscuit wrote:
    WHY.....what is the NEED?
    Are you hot-shotting, traveling daily long distances, working from the road etc?

    I have a 35 gal tank.
    Roughly 400 miles when towing my 5vr
    Roughly 600 miles if not towing

    I don't travel that far on any one day

    How much 'room' to you have for added weight in fuel/tank?
    How far do you travel at a time?
    Need vs want
    It's not true so much now, but before I retired we used to easily travel over 400 miles in a day, now not so much. But a 35 gallon tank will not get you 400 miles, so at some point you will have to fuel up. Additional fuel onboard means you stop when you want, not when the truck fuel level dictates.

    Just remember not everyone travels the way you do.
  • WHY.....what is the NEED?
    Are you hot-shotting, traveling daily long distances, working from the road etc?

    I have a 35 gal tank.
    Roughly 400 miles when towing my 5vr
    Roughly 600 miles if not towing

    I don't travel that far on any one day

    How much 'room' to you have for added weight in fuel/tank?
    How far do you travel at a time?
    Need vs want
  • Why carry more weight than you have to? I have a 40 gallon auxiliary tank and it works great. Adds about 300 lbs. I want enough fuel to not have to worry about stopping with the 5th wheel hitched up. I hate truck stops and not fond of driving around trying to find a regular fuel station that I can get in to, and, worse, get out of. Seventy gallons of diesel fuel will easily give me a day's travel with plenty of fuel left over, and maybe two days if we don't go far either day.

    With a great big tank you're using fuel just to haul more fuel. That's JMO of course.
  • Elwoodj wrote:
    What size rds tank would you choose for your new 8 foot bed truck 3500, 50, 75 or go big or not at all 95-100?

    I would suggest the 60 gallon auxiliary tank tool box combo.
  • I been using this tank since 2008,gives me a total of 99 gals with both tanks full.