"I never would have considered taking it to them, it is against every principal I have. I paid $50K for the camper and got $37K for it. If I lost two weeks worth of work and $1000 fuel and $1000 lodging it would have been close to the loss I took, not to mention I would still have a Host Camper that was only worth $37K....We are going back to Weekend Warrior high quality class C!"
weekend warrior and high quality should NEVER be in the same sentence.. over priced gems that have the same issues as every other motor home/trailer with a few more(make that a lot more) thrown in...been down their road and it was the WORST product..had mine for 9 months and it delamed.Sold it real quick and never looked back...granted that was a trailer and not a class C but same issues I assure you so as others have said..GOOD LUCK